Music of the Spheres – Pluto

Here are some initial thoughts on creating a representation of the music of the spheres in the form of Pluto: The implementation involves making a large scale sphere out of musical instrument strings (piano, guitar, harp, etc.). Each string will be vibrated by an electro-magnetic field (listen) created with two telephone coils (e-bow). The sphere is large enough for people to walk inside, so they can pluck the strings too if they like. Music of the spheres involves mathematical relationships and proportions, so each string will be tuned in a proportion relative to the other strings. Pluto itself is a symbol of destruction and regeneration, so the harmonies will exhibit this duality.

I’m working on the design of the structure and the lay out of the strings right now. The strings can be arranged in a variety of ways to make a sphere. One such way would be to stretch different lengths of string vertically, with the shortest on the outside, and getting taller as you move inside:

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