Pluto – gravity waves

In my research I started reading about gravity waves, and saw a picture of a capillary wave (which is a type of gravity wave). Capillary waves are the little ripples we see in water, say when we throw a pebble into a calm lake. I like the idea of how Pluto’s surface and atmosphere are continuously undergoing changes, undulating with waves, sort of the embodiment of its destruction/regeneration astrological quality. I decided to make a rough interactive Pluto sketch where it’s surface/atmosphere could move like water. As the planet rotates you can use your mouse to make waves on the surface. You can download the app here to try out. The app was made with Cinder. Here are some pics:







Tone Row Generator

A tone row is an ordered set of musical pitches. Typically all 12 notes of the western chromatic scale are used, and notes will not repeat until all others have sounded. This generator creates tone rows where each interval between notes will be no larger than 5 semitones, and the same interval will not happen back to back. The generator lets you listen to each tone row as it is, or in polyrhythms with its retrograde inversion (the inverse of all the intervals, played backwards) and a low B pedal point (listen to an example). You can download the source code on github. In order for the sound to work you should make sure you have the IAC MIDI driver turned on on your computer, and a soft synth receiving MIDI via the IAC driver. The generator was made with Cinder.

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